About Us

Our Story. Chimineas. Cast Iron Chimineas.
The people who introduced Australians to the joy of Mexican Outdoor Fireplaces, commonly known as "Chimineas".
Liz & Andrew stumbled across Chimineas while travelling in Mexico in 1998 and immediately fell in love with the idea of being able to enjoy the warmth, atmosphere and ambiance of an open fire in their courtyard without the mess and smoke associated with other types of outdoor fires.
Recognising the potential for such a unique concept they returned to Mexico to track down the source of quality, authentic Chimineas. They discovered, the hard way, that all chimineas are not created equal and to get authentic, quality Chimineas made from the correct traditional material is not easy.
Having built their business on quality Mexican chimineas, which they still import and sell, they found that Aussies wanted an outdoor fire place that was indestructible, even in the hands of the most enthusiastic "pyromaniac". Liz says "There are a lot of Aussie blokes who grew up with the old 44 gallon drum or washing machine barrel as an outdoor heater. It's a national pastime to see what it is capable of. With any clay chiminea you can overdo it. Even with the premium quality genuine Mexican Clay Chimineas, you have to be sensible or you can damage them or at least reduce their life expectancy." That is why they developed "The Aussie Heatwave" cast Iron chiminea. Made in Rural Australia "Its utterly Australian and comes with a 10 year guarantee".
In 2010 they expanded their range of outdoor fireplaces to include a variety of premium quality firepits, and Pizza Ovens. While their favorite still remains the Chiminea, they are proud to offer their customers a range of premium quality alternatives.
They say "Please benefit from our 20+ years of experience with wood fired outdoor heating and cooking and our overall passion for fire, wood fired cooking and alfresco entertaining".